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The Scuba Buddha
Learn the Zen of Diving

Neal is an Army Veteran, retiring in 2007 after 21 years of service including multiple deployments. He had always wanted to try scuba diving and was certified in 2015 during a vacation to the Bahamas and was immediately hooked. As he continued to dive he started to realize the calming effect that it had on him, and the positive impact that it had on the PTSD he had been struggling with. As he continued to dive and expand his knowledge and experience, he decided to become a Scuba Instructor to help others, especially his fellow Veteran's experience the positive impact Scuba can have. Since that time, Neal has become an instructor through NAUI (National Association of Underwater Instructors and then through SDI (Scuba Diving International), TDI (Technical Diving International) and First Response Training International.
Neal has continued to expand his dive knowledge and experience. He is a certified technical diver, cave diver, rebreather diver and wreck diver. You can often find him with camera in hand, working on his underwater photography.